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pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt


To run and develop Policy Sentry without having to install from PyPi, you can use Invoke.

# List available tasks
invoke -l

# that will show the following options:
Available tasks:          Build the policy_sentry package from the current
                               directory contents for use with PyPi
  build.install-package        Install the policy_sentry package built from the
                               current directory contents (not PyPi)
  build.uninstall-package      Uninstall the policy_sentry package
  build.upload-prod            Upload the package to the PyPi production server
                               (requires credentials)
  build.upload-test            Upload the package to the TestPyPi server
                               (requires credentials)
  docs.make-html               Make the HTML docs locally          Open HTML docs in Google Chrome locally on your
  docs.remove-html-files       Remove the html files
  integration.analyze-policy   Integration testing: Tests the `analyze`
  integration.clean            Runs `rm -rf $HOME/.policy_sentry`
  integration.initialize       Integration testing: Initialize the
                               policy_sentry database
  integration.query            Integration testing: Tests the `query`
                               functionality (querying the IAM database)
  integration.query-yaml       Integration testing: Tests the `query`
                               functionality (querying the IAM database) - but
                               with yaml
  integration.version          Print the version
  integration.write-policy     Integration testing: Tests the `write-policy`
  test.lint                    Linting with `pylint` and `autopep8`                Runs `bandit` and `safety check`
  unit.nose                    Unit testing: Runs unit tests using `nosetests`
  unit.pytest                  Unit testing: Runs unit tests using `pytest`

# To run them, specify `invoke` plus the options:

invoke integration.clean
invoke integration.initialize
invoke integration.analyze-policy
invoke integration.query
invoke integration.write-policy

invoke test.lint

invoke unit.nose

Local Unit Testing and Integration Testing:

Strategy to write new unit tests

  • File mapping: Unit test files map directly to the .py files in the Policy Sentry package
  • Folder mapping: Folder structure of the test files maps directly to the folder structure in the Policy Sentry package
  • GitHub issue mapping: Add unit tests that correspond directly to those GitHub issues to show that the fix work specifically for the issue raised. prefix test name with issue number. For example: test_gh_211_write_with_empty_access_level_lists is prefixed with issue number 111.
  • Adaptable to IAM Definition changes:
  • For tests that are dependent on current state of the IAM definition (aka the IAM Database, iam_definition.json), avoid doing equals comparision of the results with the expected_results.
  • Over time, as IAM definiton changes, chances are that such tests would fail.
  • Example: let's say that hypothetically the secretsmanager service had 4 actions at the "write" access level that could be restricted to the secret resource type. If I wrote the tests so that they tested the value of the generated policy, that works for the initial tests. But if AWS adds two new actions that can be restricted to that access level and resource type, then the tests would fail.
  • This only really applies for where the expected test values would be dependent on the current state of the IAM definition (aka the IAM Database, iam_definition.json) and the actions in there. So, validating the output of write-policy related commands, and query related commands.
  • After I realized that, I started writing my tests so that the expected output that showed what actions you'd want would be in the comments instead of the expected_results, so the human knows what's going on. And then I would just check that the size of the array holding the actions is greater than or equal to the size that it is currently at. So, in the secretsmanager example above, the test would probably just check that the size of the actions is greater than or equal to 4.

Quick and Easy way to run tests

Just run this from the root of the repository:

We highly suggest that you run all the tests before pushing a significant commit. It would be painful to copy/paste all of those lines above - so we've compiled a test script in the utils folder.


It will execute all of the tests that would normally be run during the build. If you want to see if it will pass GitHub actions, you can just run that quick command on your machine.

Running the Test Suite

We use Nose for unit testing. All tests are placed in the tests folder.

  • Just run the following:
nosetests -v

# This will output the print() statements in your test code
nosetests -v --nocapture

# This will include the debug logging statements in the test output
nosetests -v --logging-level=DEBUG
  • Alternatively, you can use invoke, as mentioned above:
invoke unit.nose


test_overrides_yml_config: Tests the format of the overrides yml file for the RAM service ... ok
test_passing_overall_iam_action_override: Tests iam:CreateAccessKey ... ok
test_get_dependent_actions_double (test_actions.ActionsTestCase) ... ok
test_get_dependent_actions_several (test_actions.ActionsTestCase) ... ok
test_get_dependent_actions_single (test_actions.ActionsTestCase) ... ok
test_analyze_by_access_level: Test out calling this as a library ... ok
test_determine_risky_actions_from_list: Test comparing requested actions to a list of risky actions ... ok
test_get_actions_from_policy: Verify that the get_actions_from_policy function is grabbing the actions ... ok
test_get_actions_from_policy_file_with_explicit_actions: Verify that we can get a list of actions from a ... ok
test_get_actions_from_policy_file_with_wildcards: Verify that we can read the actions from a file, ... ok
test_remove_actions_not_matching_access_level: Verify remove_actions_not_matching_access_level is working as expected ... ok
test_get_findings: Ensure that finding.get_findings() combines two risk findings for one policy properly. ... ok
test_get_findings_by_policy_name: Testing out the 'Findings' object ... ok
test_add_s3_permissions_management_arn (test_arn_action_group.ArnActionGroupTestCase) ... ok
test_get_policy_elements (test_arn_action_group.ArnActionGroupTestCase) ... ok
test_update_actions_for_raw_arn_format (test_arn_action_group.ArnActionGroupTestCase) ... ok
test_does_arn_match_case_1 (test_arns.ArnsTestCase) ... ok
test_does_arn_match_case_2 (test_arns.ArnsTestCase) ... ok
test_does_arn_match_case_4 (test_arns.ArnsTestCase) ... ok
test_does_arn_match_case_5 (test_arns.ArnsTestCase) ... ok
test_does_arn_match_case_6 (test_arns.ArnsTestCase) ... ok
test_does_arn_match_case_bucket (test_arns.ArnsTestCase) ... ok
test_determine_actions_to_expand: provide expanded list of actions, like ecr:* ... ok
test_minimize_statement_actions (test_minimize_wildcard_actions.MinimizeWildcardActionsTestCase) ... ok
test_get_action_data: Tests function that gets details on a specific IAM Action. ... ok
test_get_actions_at_access_level_that_support_wildcard_arns_only: Test function that gets a list of ... ok
test_get_actions_for_service: Tests function that gets a list of actions per AWS service. ... ok
test_get_actions_matching_condition_crud_and_arn: Get a list of IAM Actions matching condition key, ... ok
test_get_actions_matching_condition_crud_and_wildcard_arn: Get a list of IAM Actions matching condition key ... ok
test_get_actions_matching_condition_key: Tests a function that gathers all instances in ... ok
test_get_actions_that_support_wildcard_arns_only: Tests function that shows all ... ok
test_get_actions_with_access_level: Tests function that gets a list of actions in a ... ok
test_get_actions_with_arn_type_and_access_level: Tests a function that gets a list of ... ok
test_get_all_actions_with_access_level: Get all actions with a given access level ... ok
test_get_arn_type_details: Tests function that grabs details about a specific ARN name ... ok
test_get_arn_types_for_service: Tests function that grabs arn_type and raw_arn pairs ... ok
test_get_condition_key_details: Tests function that grabs details about a specific condition key ... ok
test_get_condition_keys_for_service: Tests function that grabs a list of condition keys per service. ... ok
test_get_raw_arns_for_service: Tests function that grabs a list of raw ARNs per service ... ok
test_remove_actions_that_are_not_wildcard_arn_only: Tests function that removes actions from a list that ... ok
test_actions_template (test_template.TemplateTestCase) ... ok
test_crud_template (test_template.TemplateTestCase) ... ok
test_actions_schema: Validates that the user-supplied YAML is working for CRUD mode ... ok
test_actions_schema: Validates that the user-supplied YAML is working for CRUD mode ... ok
test_print_policy_with_actions_having_dependencies (test_write_policy.WritePolicyActionsTestCase) ... ok
test_write_policy (test_write_policy.WritePolicyCrudTestCase) ... ok
test_write_policy_beijing: Tests ARNs with the partiion `aws-cn` instead of just `aws` ... ok
test_write_policy_govcloud: Tests ARNs with the partition `aws-us-gov` instead of `aws` ... ok
test_wildcard_when_not_necessary: Attempts bypass of CRUD mode wildcard-only ... ok
test_write_actions_policy_with_library_only: Write an actions mode policy without using the command line at all (library only) ... ok
test_write_crud_policy_with_library_only: Write an actions mode policy without using the command line at all (library only) ... ok
test_actions_missing_actions: write-policy actions if the actions block is missing ... ok
test_allow_missing_access_level_categories_in_cfg: write-policy when the YAML file ... ok
test_allow_empty_access_level_categories_in_cfg: If the content of a list is an empty string, it should sysexit ... ok
test_actions_missing_arn: write-policy actions command when YAML file block is missing an ARN ... ok
test_actions_missing_description: write-policy when the YAML file is missing a description ... ok
test_actions_missing_name: write-policy when the YAML file is missing a name ... ok

Ran 57 tests in 2.694s