Terraform Demo

Please download the demo code here to follow along.

Command options

Usage: policy_sentry write-policy-dir [OPTIONS]

  write_policy, but this time with an input directory of YML/YAML files, and
  an output directory for all the JSON files

  --input-dir TEXT    Relative path to Input directory that contains policy_sentry .yml files (CRUD mode only)  [required]
  --output-dir TEXT   Relative path to directory to store AWS JSON policies [required]
  --minimize INTEGER  Minimize the resulting statement with *safe* usage of wildcards to reduce policy length. Set this to the character length you want - for example, 4
  --help              Show this message and exit.


This requires:

  • Terraform v0.12.8
  • AWS credentials; must be authenticated


  • Install policy_sentry
pip3 install policy_sentry
  • Initialize policy_sentry
policy_sentry initialize
  • Execute the first Terraform module:
cd environments/standard-resources
tfjson install 0.12.8
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply -auto-approve

This will create a YML file to be used by policy_sentry in the environments/iam-resources/files/ directory titled example-role-randomid.yml.

  • Write the policy using policy_sentry:
cd ../iam-resources
policy_sentry write-policy-dir --input-dir files --output-dir files

This will create a JSON file to be consumed by Terraform’s aws_iam_policy resource to create an IAM policy.

  • Now create the policies with Terraform:
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply -auto-approve
  • Don’t forget to cleanup
terraform destroy -auto-approve
cd ../standard-resources
terraform destroy -auto-approve