ARN Table

# Get a list of all RAW ARN formats available through the SSM service.
policy_sentry query arn-table --service ssm

# Get the raw ARN format for the `cloud9` ARN with the short name `environment`
policy_sentry query arn-table --service cloud9 --name environment

# Get key/value pairs of all RAW ARN formats plus their short names
policy_sentry query arn-table --service cloud9 --list-arn-types


Usage: policy_sentry query arn-table [OPTIONS]

  Query the ARN Table from the Policy Sentry database

  --service TEXT     Filter according to AWS service.  [required]
  --name TEXT        The short name of the resource ARN type. For example,
                     `bucket` under service `s3`.
  --list-arn-types   Show the short names of ARN Types. If empty, this will
                     show RAW ARNs only.
  --fmt [yaml|json]  Format output as YAML or JSON. Defaults to "yaml"
  --log-level        Set the logging level. Choices are CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, or DEBUG. Defaults to INFO
  --help             Show this message and exit.