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Action table

# NOTE: Use --fmt yaml or --fmt json to change the output format. Defaults to json for querying

# Get a list of actions that do not support resource constraints
policy_sentry query action-table --service s3 --wildcard-only --fmt yaml

# Get a list of actions at the "Read" level in S3 that do not support resource constraints
policy_sentry query action-table --service s3 --access-level read --wildcard-only --fmt yaml

# Get a list of all IAM Actions available to the RAM service
policy_sentry query action-table --service ram

# Get details about the `ram:TagResource` IAM Action
policy_sentry query action-table --service ram --name tagresource

# Get a list of all IAM actions under the RAM service that have the Permissions management access level.
policy_sentry query action-table --service ram --access-level permissions-management

# Get a list of all IAM actions under the SES service that support the `ses:FeedbackAddress` condition key.
policy_sentry query action-table --service ses --condition ses:FeedbackAddress


Usage: policy_sentry query action-table [OPTIONS]

  --service TEXT                  Filter according to AWS service.  [required]
  --name TEXT                     The name of IAM Action. For example, if the
                                  action is "iam:ListUsers", supply
                                  "ListUsers" here.
  --access-level [read|write|list|tagging|permissions-management]
                                  If action table is chosen, you can use this
                                  to filter according to CRUD levels.
                                  Acceptable values are read, write, list,
                                  tagging, permissions-management
  --condition TEXT                If action table is chosen, you can supply a
                                  condition key to show a list of all IAM
                                  actions that support the condition key.
  --wildcard-only                 If action table is chosen, show the IAM
                                  actions that only support wildcard resources
                                  - i.e., cannot support ARNs in the resource
  --fmt [yaml|json]               Format output as YAML or JSON. Defaults to
  --v                             Set the logging level. Choices are CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, or DEBUG. Defaults to INFO
  --help                          Show this message and exit.