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Functions to use for parsing ARNs, matching ARN types, and getting the right fragment/component from an ARN string,


Class that helps to match ARN resource type formats neatly

same_resource_type(self, arn_in_database)

Given an arn, see if it has the same resource type

Source code in policy_sentry/util/
def same_resource_type(self, arn_in_database):
    """Given an arn, see if it has the same resource type"""

    # 1. If the RAW ARN in the database is *, then it doesn't have a resource type
    if arn_in_database == "*":
        return False

    # 2. ARNs should have the same service
    elements = arn_in_database.split(":", 5)
    if self.service_prefix != elements[2]:
        return False

    # 3. Add support for resource type wildcards, per #204
    # When specifying an ARN and setting a * on the resource type (e.g. instead of db:instance it is *:*),
    #   multiple ARNs can match.
    #   Previously, this would fail and return empty results.
    #   Now it correctly returns the full list of matching ARNs and corresponding actions.
    resource_type_arn_to_test = parse_arn_for_resource_type(self.arn)
    if resource_type_arn_to_test == '*':
        return True

    # 4. Match patterns for complicated resource strings, leveraging the standardized format of the Raw ARN format
    # table/${TableName} should not match `table/${TableName}/backup/${BackupName}`
    resource_string_arn_in_database = get_resource_string(arn_in_database)

    split_resource_string_in_database = re.split(':|/', resource_string_arn_in_database)
    # logger.debug(str(split_resource_string_in_database))
    arn_format_list = []
    for elem in split_resource_string_in_database:
        if "${" not in elem:
            # If an element says something like ${TableName}, normalize it to an empty string

    split_resource_string_to_test = re.split(':|/', self.resource_string)
    # 4b: If we have a confusing resource string, the length of the split resource string list
    #  should at least be the same
    # Again, table/${TableName} (len of 2) should not match `table/${TableName}/backup/${BackupName}` (len of 4)
    # if len(split_resource_string_to_test) != len(arn_format_list):
    #     return False

    non_empty_arn_format_list = []
    for i in arn_format_list:
        if i != "":

    lower_resource_string = list(map(lambda x:x.lower(),split_resource_string_to_test))
    for i in non_empty_arn_format_list:
        if i.lower() not in lower_resource_string:
            return False

    # 4c: See if the non-normalized fields match
    for i in range(len(arn_format_list)):
        # If the field is not normalized to empty string, then make sure the resource type segments match
        # So, using table/${TableName}/backup/${BackupName} as an example:
        # table should match, backup should match,
        # and length of the arn_format_list should be the same as split_resource_string_to_test
        # If all conditions match, then the ARN format is the same.
        if arn_format_list[i] != "":
            if arn_format_list[i] == split_resource_string_to_test[i]:
            elif split_resource_string_to_test[i] == "*":
                return False

    # 4. Special type for S3 bucket objects and CodeCommit repos
    # Note: Each service can only have one of these, so these are definitely exceptions
    exclusion_list = ["${ObjectName}", "${RepositoryName}", "${BucketName}", "table/${TableName}", "${BucketName}/${ObjectName}"]
    resource_path_arn_in_database = elements[5]
    if resource_path_arn_in_database in exclusion_list:
        logger.debug("Special type: %s", resource_path_arn_in_database)
        # handling special case table/${TableName}
        if resource_string_arn_in_database in ["table/${TableName}", "${BucketName}"]:
            return len(self.resource_string.split('/')) == len(elements[5].split('/'))
        # If we've made it this far, then it is a special type
        # return True
        # Presence of / would mean it's an object in both so it matches
        elif "/" in self.resource_string and "/" in elements[5]:
            return True
        # / not being present in either means it's a bucket in both so it matches
        elif "/" not in self.resource_string and "/" not in elements[5]:
            return True
        # If there is a / in one but not in the other, it does not match
            return False

    # 5. If we've made it this far, then it should pass
    return True

does_arn_match(arn_to_test, arn_in_database)

Given two ARNs, determine if they have the same resource type.


Name Type Description Default

ARN provided by user


Raw ARN that exists in the policy sentry database



Type Description

result of whether or not the ARNs match

Source code in policy_sentry/util/
def does_arn_match(arn_to_test, arn_in_database):
    Given two ARNs, determine if they have the same resource type.

        arn_to_test: ARN provided by user
        arn_in_database: Raw ARN that exists in the policy sentry database

        Boolean: result of whether or not the ARNs match
    this_arn = ARN(arn_to_test)
    return this_arn.same_resource_type(arn_in_database)


Given an ARN, return the account ID in the ARN, if it is available. In certain cases like S3 it is not

Source code in policy_sentry/util/
def get_account_from_arn(arn):
    """Given an ARN, return the account ID in the ARN, if it is available. In certain cases like S3 it is not"""
    result = parse_arn(arn)
    # Support S3 buckets with no values under account
    if result["account"] is None:
        result = ""
        result = result["account"]
    return result


Given an ARN, return the region in the ARN, if it is available. In certain cases like S3 it is not

Source code in policy_sentry/util/
def get_region_from_arn(arn):
    """Given an ARN, return the region in the ARN, if it is available. In certain cases like S3 it is not"""
    result = parse_arn(arn)
    # Support S3 buckets with no values under region
    if result["region"] is None:
        result = ""
        result = result["region"]
    return result


Given an ARN, parse it according to ARN namespacing and return the resource path. See for more details on ARN namespacing.

Source code in policy_sentry/util/
def get_resource_path_from_arn(arn):
    """Given an ARN, parse it according to ARN namespacing and return the resource path. See for more details on ARN namespacing."""
    result = parse_arn(arn)
    return result["resource_path"]


Given an ARN, return the string after the account ID, no matter the ARN format.


Name Type Description Default

An ARN, like arn:partition:service:region:account-id:resourcetype/resource



Type Description

The resource string, like resourcetype/resource

Source code in policy_sentry/util/
def get_resource_string(arn):
    Given an ARN, return the string after the account ID, no matter the ARN format.

        arn: An ARN, like `arn:partition:service:region:account-id:resourcetype/resource`
        String: The resource string, like `resourcetype/resource`
    split_arn = arn.split(":")
    resource_string = ":".join(split_arn[5:])
    return resource_string


Given an ARN string, return the service

Source code in policy_sentry/util/
def get_service_from_arn(arn):
    """Given an ARN string, return the service """
    result = parse_arn(arn)
    return result["service"]


Given an ARN, split up the ARN into the ARN namespacing schema dictated by the AWS docs.

Source code in policy_sentry/util/
def parse_arn(arn):
    Given an ARN, split up the ARN into the ARN namespacing schema dictated by the AWS docs.
    elements = arn.split(":", 5)
    result = {
        "arn": elements[0],
        "partition": elements[1],
        "service": elements[2],
        "region": elements[3],
        "account": elements[4],
        "resource": elements[5],
        "resource_path": None,
    if "/" in result["resource"]:
        result["resource"], result["resource_path"] = result["resource"].split("/", 1)
    elif ":" in result["resource"]:
        result["resource"], result["resource_path"] = result["resource"].split(":", 1)
    return result


Parses the resource string (resourcetype/resource and other variants) and grab the resource type.


Name Type Description Default

The resource string to parse, like resourcetype/resource



Type Description

The resource type, like bucket or object

Source code in policy_sentry/util/
def parse_arn_for_resource_type(arn):
    Parses the resource string (resourcetype/resource and other variants) and grab the resource type.

        arn: The resource string to parse, like `resourcetype/resource`
        String: The resource type, like `bucket` or `object`
    split_arn = arn.split(":")
    resource_string = ":".join(split_arn[5:])
    split_resource = re.split("/|:", resource_string)
    if len(split_resource) == 1:
        # logger.debug(f"split_resource length is 1: {str(split_resource)}")
    elif len(split_resource) > 1:
        return split_resource[0]